import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Type, TypeVar, Union
import numpy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy import logical_not as not_
from numpy import maximum as max_
from numpy import minimum as min_
from numpy import round as round_
from numpy import select, where
from warnings import warn
from policyengine_core.parameters.parameter_node import ParameterNode
from policyengine_core.periods.period_ import Period
from policyengine_core.populations.population import Population
from policyengine_core.types import ArrayLike, ArrayType
from policyengine_core.variables.variable import Variable
import json
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]def apply_thresholds(
input: ArrayType[float],
thresholds: ArrayLike[float],
choices: ArrayLike[float],
) -> ArrayType[float]:
"""Makes a choice based on an input and thresholds.
From a list of ``choices``, this function selects one of these values
based on a list of inputs, depending on the value of each ``input`` within
a list of ``thresholds``.
input: A list of inputs to make a choice from.
thresholds: A list of thresholds to choose.
choices: A list of the possible values to choose from.
:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`float`:
A list of the values chosen.
:exc:`AssertionError`: When the number of ``thresholds`` (t) and the
number of choices (c) are not either t == c or t == c - 1.
>>> input = numpy.array([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
>>> thresholds = [5, 7]
>>> choices = [10, 15, 20]
>>> apply_thresholds(input, thresholds, choices)
array([10, 10, 15, 15, 20])
condlist: Sequence[ArrayType[bool]]
condlist = [input <= threshold for threshold in thresholds]
if len(condlist) == len(choices) - 1:
# If a choice is provided for input > highest threshold, last condition
# must be true to return it.
condlist += [True]
assert len(condlist) == len(choices), " ".join(
"'apply_thresholds' must be called with the same number of",
"thresholds than choices, or one more choice.",
return, choices)
[docs]def concat(this: ArrayLike[str], that: ArrayLike[str]) -> ArrayType[str]:
"""Concatenates the values of two arrays.
this: An array to concatenate.
that: Another array to concatenate.
:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`float`:
An array with the concatenated values.
>>> this = ["this", "that"]
>>> that = numpy.array([1, 2.5])
>>> concat(this, that)
array(['this1.0', 'that2.5']...)
if isinstance(this, numpy.ndarray) and not numpy.issubdtype(
this.dtype, numpy.str_
this = this.astype("str")
if isinstance(that, numpy.ndarray) and not numpy.issubdtype(
that.dtype, numpy.str_
that = that.astype("str")
return numpy.char.add(this, that)
[docs]def switch(
conditions: ArrayType[Any],
value_by_condition: Dict[float, T],
) -> ArrayType[T]:
"""Mimicks a switch statement.
Given an array of conditions, returns an array of the same size,
replacing each condition item with the matching given value.
conditions: An array of conditions.
value_by_condition: Values to replace for each condition.
An array with the replaced values.
:exc:`AssertionError`: When ``value_by_condition`` is empty.
>>> conditions = numpy.array([1, 1, 1, 2])
>>> value_by_condition = {1: 80, 2: 90}
>>> switch(conditions, value_by_condition)
array([80, 80, 80, 90])
assert (
len(value_by_condition) > 0
), "'switch' must be called with at least one value."
condlist = [
conditions == condition for condition in value_by_condition.keys()
return, value_by_condition.values())
def for_each_variable(
entity: Population,
period: Period,
variables: List[str],
agg_func: str = "add",
group_agg_func: str = "add",
options: List[str] = None,
) -> ArrayLike:
"""Applies operations to lists of variables.
entity (Population): The entity population, as passed in formulas.
period (Period): The period, as pass in formulas.
variables (List[str]): A list of variable names.
agg_func (str, optional): The operation to apply to combine variable results. Defaults to "add".
group_agg_func (str, optional): The operation to apply to transform values to the target entity level. Defaults to "add".
options (List[str], optional): Options to pass to the `entity(variable, period)` call. Defaults to None.
ValueError: If any target variable is not at or below the target entity level.
ArrayLike: The result of the operation.
result = None
agg_func = dict(
add=lambda x, y: x + y, multiply=lambda x, y: x * y, max=max_, min=min_
if not entity.entity.is_person:
group_agg_func = dict(
add=entity.sum, all=entity.all, max=entity.max, min=entity.min
for variable in variables:
variable_entity = entity.entity.get_variable(variable).entity
if variable_entity.key == entity.entity.key:
values = entity(variable, period, options=options)
elif variable_entity.is_person:
values = group_agg_func(
entity.members(variable, period, options=options)
elif entity.entity.is_person:
raise ValueError(
f"You requested to aggregate {variable} (defined for {variable_entity.plural}) to {entity.entity.plural}, but this is not yet implemented."
else: # Group-to-group aggregation
variable_population = entity.simulation.populations[
person_shares = variable_population.project(
variable_population(variable, period)
) / variable_population.project(variable_population.nb_persons())
values = entity.sum(person_shares)
if result is None:
result = values
result = agg_func(result, values)
return result
def add(
entity: Population,
period: Period,
variables: List[str],
options: List[str] = None,
"""Sums a list of variables.
entity (Population): The entity population, as passed in formulas.
period (Period): The period, as pass in formulas.
variables (List[str]): A list of variable names.
options (List[str], optional): Options to pass to the `entity(variable, period)` call. Defaults to None.
ValueError: If any target variable is not at or below the target entity level.
ArrayLike: The result of the operation.
return for_each_variable(
entity, period, variables, agg_func="add", options=options
def and_(
entity: Population,
period: Period,
variables: List[str],
options: List[str] = None,
"""Performs a logical and operation on a list of variables.
entity (Population): The entity population, as passed in formulas.
period (Period): The period, as pass in formulas.
variables (List[str]): A list of variable names.
options (List[str], optional): Options to pass to the `entity(variable, period)` call. Defaults to None.
ValueError: If any target variable is not at the target entity level.
ArrayLike: The result of the operation.
return for_each_variable(
entity, period, variables, agg_func="multiply", options=options
or_ = add
any_ = or_
multiply = and_
select =
clip = np.clip
inf = np.inf
def amount_over(amount: ArrayLike, threshold: float) -> ArrayLike:
"""Calculates the amounts over a threshold.
amount (ArrayLike): The amount to calculate for.
threshold_1 (float): The threshold.
ArrayLike: The amounts over the threshold.
"amount_over(x, y) is deprecated, use max_(x - y, 0) instead."
return max_(0, amount - threshold)
def amount_between(
amount: ArrayLike, threshold_1: float, threshold_2: float
) -> ArrayLike:
"""Calculates the amounts between two thresholds.
amount (ArrayLike): The amount to calculate for.
threshold_1 (float): The lower threshold.
threshold_2 (float): The upper threshold.
ArrayLike: The amounts between the thresholds.
return clip(amount, threshold_1, threshold_2) - threshold_1
def random(entity, reset=True):
if reset:
x = np.random.rand(entity.count)
if entity.simulation.has_axes:
# Generate the same random number for each entity.
random_number = x[0]
return np.array([random_number] * entity.count)
return x
def is_in(values: ArrayLike, *targets: list) -> ArrayLike:
"""Returns true if the value is in the list of targets.
values (ArrayLike): The values to test.
ArrayLike: True if the value is in the list of targets.
if (len(targets) == 1) and isinstance(targets[0], list):
targets = targets[0]
return np.any([values == target for target in targets], axis=0)
def between(
values: ArrayLike, lower: float, upper: float, inclusive: str = "both"
) -> ArrayLike:
"""Returns true if values are between lower and upper.
values (ArrayLike): The input array.
lower (float): The lower bound.
upper (float): The upper bound.
inclusive (bool, optional): Whether to include or exclude the bounds. Defaults to True.
ArrayLike: The resulting array.
return pd.Series(values).between(lower, upper, inclusive=inclusive)
def uprated(by: str = None, start_year: int = 2015) -> Callable:
"""Attaches a formula applying an uprating factor to input variables (going back as far as 2015).
by (str, optional): The name of the parameter (under parameters.uprating). Defaults to None (no uprating applied).
Callable: A class decorator.
def uprater(variable: Type[Variable]) -> type:
if hasattr(variable, f"formula_{start_year}"):
return variable
formula = variable.formula if hasattr(variable, "formula") else None
variable.metadata = {
"uprating": by,
def formula_start_year(entity, period, parameters):
if by is None:
return entity(variable.__name__, period.last_year)
current_parameter = parameters(period)
last_year_parameter = parameters(period.last_year)
for name in by.split("."):
current_parameter = getattr(current_parameter, name)
last_year_parameter = getattr(last_year_parameter, name)
uprating = current_parameter / last_year_parameter
old = entity(variable.__name__, period.last_year)
if (formula is not None) and (all(old) == 0):
# If no values have been inputted, don't uprate and
# instead use the previous formula on the current period.
return formula(entity, period, parameters)
return uprating * old
formula_start_year.__name__ = f"formula_{start_year}"
setattr(variable, formula_start_year.__name__, formula_start_year)
return variable
return uprater
def carried_over(variable: type) -> type:
return uprated()(variable)
def sum_of_variables(variables: Union[List[str], str]) -> Callable:
"""Returns a function that sums the values of a list of variables.
variables (Union[List[str], str]): A list of variable names.
Callable: A function that sums the values of the variables.
f"Sum-of-variables formulas are deprecated- please use `adds` or `subtracts` instead."
def sum_of_variables(entity, period, parameters):
if isinstance(variables, str):
# A string parameter name is passed
node = parameters(period)
for name in variables.split("."):
node = getattr(node, name)
variable_names = node
variable_names = variables
return add(entity, period, variable_names)
return sum_of_variables
any_of_variables = sum_of_variables
def index_(
into: ParameterNode,
indices: Union[ArrayLike, List[ArrayLike]],
where: ArrayLike,
fill: float = 0,
) -> ArrayLike:
"""Indexes into a object, but only when a condition is true. This improves
performance over `np.where`, which will index all values and then filter the result.
into (Parameter): The parameter to index into.
indices (Union[ArrayLike, List[ArrayLike]]): The full, un-filtered index array. Can be a list of arrays
for sequential indexing.
where (ArrayLike): A filter for indexing.
fill (float, optional): The value to fill where `index_where` is False. Defaults to 0.
ArrayLike: The indexed result.
if where.sum() == 0:
return np.ones(where.shape) * fill
if isinstance(indices, list):
result = np.empty_like(indices[0])
intermediate_result = into
for i in range(len(indices)):
intermediate_result = intermediate_result[indices[i][where]]
result[where] = intermediate_result
result = np.empty_like(indices)
result[where] = into[indices[where]]
result[~where] = fill
return result.astype(float)