Source code for policyengine_core.simulations.simulation

import tempfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Type, Union

import numpy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from policyengine_core import commons, periods
from import Dataset
from policyengine_core.entities.entity import Entity
from policyengine_core.enums import Enum, EnumArray
from policyengine_core.errors import CycleError, SpiralError
from policyengine_core.holders.holder import Holder
from policyengine_core.periods import Period
from policyengine_core.periods.config import ETERNITY, MONTH, YEAR
from policyengine_core.periods.helpers import period
from policyengine_core.tracers import (
import h5py
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

import json

    from policyengine_core.taxbenefitsystems import TaxBenefitSystem

from policyengine_core.experimental import MemoryConfig
from policyengine_core.populations import Population
from policyengine_core.tracers import SimpleTracer
from policyengine_core.variables import Variable, QuantityType
from policyengine_core.reforms.reform import Reform
from policyengine_core.parameters import get_parameter

[docs]class Simulation: """ Represents a simulation, and handles the calculation logic """ default_tax_benefit_system: Type["TaxBenefitSystem"] = None """The default tax-benefit system class to use if none is provided.""" default_tax_benefit_system_instance: "TaxBenefitSystem" = None """The default tax-benefit system instance to use if none is provided. This requires that the tax-benefit system is initialised when importing a country package. This will slow down the import, but may speed up individual simulations.""" default_dataset: Dataset = None """The default dataset class to use if none is provided.""" default_role: str = None """The default role to assign people to groups if none is provided.""" default_input_period: str = None """The default period to use when inputting variables.""" default_calculation_period: str = None """The default period to calculate for if none is provided.""" datasets: List[Dataset] = [] """The list of datasets available for this simulation.""" baseline: "Simulation" = None """The baseline simulation, if this simulation is a reform.""" is_over_dataset: bool = False """Whether this simulation is built over a dataset.""" macro_cache_read: bool = True """Whether to read from the macro cache.""" macro_cache_write: bool = True """Whether to write to the macro cache.""" def __init__( self, tax_benefit_system: "TaxBenefitSystem" = None, populations: Dict[str, Population] = None, situation: dict = None, dataset: Union[str, Type[Dataset]] = None, reform: Reform = None, trace: bool = False, ): reform_applied_after = False if tax_benefit_system is None: if ( self.default_tax_benefit_system_instance is not None and reform is None ): tax_benefit_system = self.default_tax_benefit_system_instance else: # If reform is taken as an arg, pass it try: tax_benefit_system = self.default_tax_benefit_system( reform=reform ) except: tax_benefit_system = self.default_tax_benefit_system() reform_applied_after = True self.tax_benefit_system = tax_benefit_system self.reform = reform self.tax_benefit_system = tax_benefit_system if reform_applied_after and reform is not None: self.apply_reform(reform) self.branch_name = "default" if dataset is None: if self.default_dataset is not None: dataset = self.default_dataset self.is_over_dataset = dataset is not None self.invalidated_caches = set() self.debug: bool = False self.trace: bool = trace self.tracer: SimpleTracer = ( SimpleTracer() if not trace else FullTracer() ) self.opt_out_cache: bool = False # controls the spirals detection; check for performance impact if > 1 self.max_spiral_loops: int = 10 self.memory_config: MemoryConfig = None self._data_storage_dir: str = None self.branches: Dict[str, Simulation] = {} self.has_axes = False np.random.seed(0) if situation is not None: if dataset is not None: raise ValueError( "You provided both a situation and a dataset. Only one input method is allowed." ) self.build_from_populations( self.tax_benefit_system.instantiate_entities() ) from policyengine_core.simulations.simulation_builder import ( SimulationBuilder, ) # Import here to avoid circular dependency builder = SimulationBuilder() builder.default_period = self.default_input_period builder.build_from_dict(self.tax_benefit_system, situation, self) self.has_axes = builder.has_axes if populations is not None: self.build_from_populations(populations) if dataset is not None: if isinstance(dataset, str): datasets_by_name = { dataset for dataset in self.datasets } if dataset not in datasets_by_name: raise ValueError( f"Dataset {dataset} not found. Available datasets: {list(datasets_by_name.keys())}" ) dataset = datasets_by_name[dataset] if isinstance(dataset, type): self.dataset: Dataset = dataset(require=True) else: self.dataset = dataset self.build_from_dataset() # Backwards compatibility methods self.calc = self.calculate self.df = self.calculate_dataframe self.input_variables = [ for variable in self.tax_benefit_system.variables.values() if len(self.get_holder( > 0 ] self.situation_input = situation if self.situation_input is not None: original_input = json.loads(json.dumps(self.situation_input)) if original_input.get("axes") is not None: original_input["axes"] = {} # Hash the situation input to a random number, so situations with axes behave the # same ways as the same situations without axes. hashed_input = hash(json.dumps(original_input)) % 1000000 np.random.seed(hashed_input) if reform is not None: self.baseline = self.get_branch("baseline") self.baseline.trace = self.trace self.baseline.tracer = self.tracer self.baseline.tax_benefit_system = ( self.default_tax_benefit_system_instance ) else: self.baseline = None self.parent_branch = None
[docs] def apply_reform(self, reform: Union[tuple, Reform]): if isinstance(reform, tuple): for subreform in reform: self.apply_reform(subreform) else: reform.apply(self.tax_benefit_system)
[docs] def build_from_populations( self, populations: Dict[str, Population] ) -> None: """This method of initialisation requires the populations to be pre-initialised. Args: populations (Dict[str, Population]): A dictionary of populations, indexed by entity key. """ self.populations = populations self.link_to_entities_instances() self.create_shortcuts() self.populations = populations self.persons: Population = self.populations[ self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity.key ] self.link_to_entities_instances() self.create_shortcuts()
[docs] def build_from_dataset(self) -> None: """Build a simulation from a dataset.""" self.build_from_populations( self.tax_benefit_system.instantiate_entities() ) from policyengine_core.simulations.simulation_builder import ( SimulationBuilder, ) # Import here to avoid circular dependency builder = SimulationBuilder() builder.populations = self.populations try: data = self.dataset.load() except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError( f"The dataset file {} could not be found. " + "Make sure you have downloaded or built it using the `policyengine-core data` command." ) from e person_entity = self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity entity_id_field = f"{person_entity.key}_id" assert ( entity_id_field in data ), f"Missing {entity_id_field} column in the dataset. Each person entity must have an ID array defined for ETERNITY." get_eternity_array = lambda ds: ( ds[list(ds.keys())[0]] if self.dataset.data_format == Dataset.TIME_PERIOD_ARRAYS else ds ) entity_ids = get_eternity_array(data[entity_id_field]) builder.declare_person_entity(person_entity.key, entity_ids) for group_entity in self.tax_benefit_system.group_entities: entity_id_field = f"{group_entity.key}_id" assert ( entity_id_field in data ), f"Missing {entity_id_field} column in the dataset. Each group entity must have an ID array defined for ETERNITY." entity_ids = get_eternity_array(data[entity_id_field]) builder.declare_entity(group_entity.key, entity_ids) person_membership_id_field = ( f"{person_entity.key}_{group_entity.key}_id" ) assert ( person_membership_id_field in data ), f"Missing {person_membership_id_field} column in the dataset. Each group entity must have a person membership array defined for ETERNITY." person_membership_ids = get_eternity_array( data[person_membership_id_field] ) person_role_field = f"{person_entity.key}_{group_entity.key}_role" if person_role_field in data: person_roles = get_eternity_array(data[person_role_field]) elif "role" in data: person_roles = get_eternity_array(data["role"]) elif self.default_role is not None: person_roles = np.full(len(entity_ids), self.default_role) else: raise ValueError( f"Missing {person_role_field} column in the dataset. Each group entity must have a person role array defined for ETERNITY." ) builder.join_with_persons( self.populations[group_entity.key], person_membership_ids, person_roles, ) self.build_from_populations(builder.populations) for variable in data: if variable in self.tax_benefit_system.variables: if self.dataset.data_format == Dataset.TIME_PERIOD_ARRAYS: for time_period in data[variable]: self.set_input( variable, time_period, data[variable][time_period] ) else: self.set_input( variable, self.dataset.time_period, data[variable] ) else: # Silently skip. pass self.default_calculation_period = self.dataset.time_period
@property def trace(self) -> bool: return self._trace @trace.setter def trace(self, trace: SimpleTracer) -> None: self._trace = trace if trace: self.tracer = FullTracer() else: self.tracer = SimpleTracer()
[docs] def create_shortcuts(self) -> None: for _key, population in self.populations.items(): # create shortcut simulation.person and simulation.household (for instance) setattr(self, population.entity.key, population)
@property def data_storage_dir(self) -> str: """ Temporary folder used to store intermediate calculation data in case the memory is saturated """ if self._data_storage_dir is None: self._data_storage_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="openfisca_") message = [ ( "Intermediate results will be stored on disk in {} in case of memory overflow." ).format(self._data_storage_dir), "You should remove this directory once you're done with your simulation.", ] return self._data_storage_dir # ----- Calculation methods ----- #
[docs] def calculate( self, variable_name: str, period: Period = None, map_to: str = None, decode_enums: bool = False, ) -> ArrayLike: """Calculate ``variable_name`` for ``period``. Args: variable_name (str): The name of the variable to calculate. period (Period): The period to calculate the variable for. map_to (str): The name of the variable to map the result to. If None, the result is returned as is. decode_enums (bool): If True, the result is decoded from an array of integers to an array of strings. Returns: ArrayLike: The calculated variable. """ if period is not None and not isinstance(period, Period): period = periods.period(period) elif period is None and self.default_calculation_period is not None: period = periods.period(self.default_calculation_period) self.tracer.record_calculation_start( variable_name, period, self.branch_name ) np.random.seed(hash(variable_name + str(period)) % 1000000) try: result = self._calculate(variable_name, period) if isinstance(result, EnumArray) and decode_enums: result = result.decode_to_str() self.tracer.record_calculation_result(result) if map_to is not None: source_entity = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name ).entity.key result = self.map_result(result, source_entity, map_to) return result finally: self.tracer.record_calculation_end() self.purge_cache_of_invalid_values()
[docs] def map_result( self, values: ArrayLike, source_entity: str, target_entity: str, how: str = None, ): """Maps values from one entity to another. Args: arr (np.array): The values in their original position. source_entity (str): The source entity key. target_entity (str): The target entity key. how (str, optional): A function to use when mapping. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid (dis)aggregation function is passed. Returns: np.array: The mapped values. """ entity_pop = self.populations[source_entity] target_pop = self.populations[target_entity] if ( source_entity == "person" and target_entity in self.tax_benefit_system.group_entity_keys ): if how and how not in ( "sum", "any", "min", "max", "all", "value_from_first_person", ): raise ValueError("Not a valid function.") return target_pop.__getattribute__(how or "sum")(values) elif ( source_entity in self.tax_benefit_system.group_entity_keys and target_entity == "person" ): if not how: return entity_pop.project(values) if how == "mean": return entity_pop.project(values / entity_pop.nb_persons()) elif source_entity == target_entity: return values else: return self.map_result( self.map_result( values, source_entity, self.tax_benefit_system.person_entity.key, how="mean", ), "person", target_entity, how="sum", )
[docs] def calculate_dataframe( self, variable_names: List[str], period: Period = None, map_to: str = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate ``variable_names`` for ``period``. Args: variable_names (List[str]): A list of variable names to calculate. period (Period): The period to calculate for. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe containing the calculated variables. """ if period is not None and not isinstance(period, Period): period = periods.period(period) elif period is None and self.default_calculation_period is not None: period = periods.period(self.default_calculation_period) # Check each variable exists for variable_name in variable_names: if variable_name not in self.tax_benefit_system.variables: raise ValueError(f"Variable {variable_name} does not exist.") df = pd.DataFrame() entities = [ self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name).entity.key for variable_name in variable_names ] # Check that all variables are from the same entity. If not, map values to the entity of the first variable. entity = map_to or entities[0] if not all(entity == e for e in entities): map_to = entity for variable_name in variable_names: df[variable_name] = self.calculate(variable_name, period, map_to) return df
def _calculate( self, variable_name: str, period: Period = None ) -> ArrayLike: """ Calculate the variable ``variable_name`` for the period ``period``, using the variable formula if it exists. Args: variable_name (str): The name of the variable to calculate. period (Period): The period to calculate the variable for. Returns: ArrayLike: The calculated variable. """ if variable_name not in self.tax_benefit_system.variables: raise ValueError(f"Variable {variable_name} does not exist.") population = self.get_variable_population(variable_name) holder = population.get_holder(variable_name) variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name, check_existence=True ) # Check if we've neutralized via parameters. try: if ( variable.is_neutralized or self.tax_benefit_system.parameters(period).gov.abolitions[ ] ): return holder.default_array() except Exception as e: pass # First look for a value already cached cached_array = holder.get_array(period, self.branch_name) if cached_array is not None: return cached_array cache_path = self._get_macro_cache(variable_name, str(period)) if cache_path and cache_path.exists(): value = self._get_macro_cache_value(cache_path) if value is not None: return self._get_macro_cache_value(cache_path) if variable.requires_computation_after is not None: if variable.requires_computation_after not in [ node.get("name") for node in self.tracer.stack ]: raise ValueError( f"Variable {variable_name} requires {variable.requires_computation_after} to be requested first. The full stack is: " + "\n".join( f" - {node.get('name')} {node.get('period')}, {node.get('branch_name')}" for node in self.tracer.stack ) ) alternate_period_handling = False if variable.definition_period == MONTH and period.unit == YEAR: if variable.quantity_type == QuantityType.STOCK: contained_months = period.get_subperiods(MONTH) values = self._calculate(variable_name, contained_months[-1]) else: values = self.calculate_add(variable_name, period) alternate_period_handling = True elif variable.definition_period == YEAR and period.unit == MONTH: alternate_period_handling = True if variable.quantity_type == QuantityType.STOCK: values = self._calculate(variable_name, period.this_year) else: values = self.calculate_divide(variable_name, period) if alternate_period_handling: if cache_path is not None: self._set_macro_cache_value(cache_path, values) return values self._check_period_consistency(period, variable) if variable.defined_for is not None: mask = ( self.calculate( variable.defined_for, period, map_to=variable.entity.key ) > 0 ) if np.all(~mask): array = holder.default_array() array = self._cast_formula_result(array, variable) holder.put_in_cache(array, period, self.branch_name) return array array = None # First, try to run a formula try: self._check_for_cycle(, period) array = self._run_formula(variable, population, period) # If no result, use the default value and cache it if array is None: # Check if the variable has a previously defined value known_periods = holder.get_known_periods() if variable.uprating is not None and len(known_periods) > 0: start_instants = [ str(known_period.start) for known_period in known_periods if known_period.unit == variable.definition_period and known_period.start < period.start ] if len(start_instants) > 0: latest_known_period = known_periods[ np.argmax(start_instants) ] try: uprating_parameter = get_parameter( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, variable.uprating, ) except: raise ValueError( f"Could not find uprating parameter {variable.uprating} when trying to uprate {variable_name}." ) value_in_last_period = uprating_parameter( latest_known_period.start ) value_in_this_period = uprating_parameter(period.start) if value_in_last_period == 0: uprating_factor = 1 else: uprating_factor = ( value_in_this_period / value_in_last_period ) array = ( holder.get_array( latest_known_period, self.branch_name ) * uprating_factor ) elif ( self.tax_benefit_system.auto_carry_over_input_variables and variable.calculate_output is None and len(known_periods) > 0 ): # Variables with a calculate-output property specify last_known_period = sorted(known_periods)[-1] array = holder.get_array(last_known_period) else: array = holder.default_array() if variable.defined_for is not None: array = np.where(mask, array, np.zeros_like(array)) array = self._cast_formula_result(array, variable) holder.put_in_cache(array, period, self.branch_name) except SpiralError: array = holder.default_array() except RecursionError as e: if isinstance(self.tracer, FullTracer): self.tracer.print_computation_log() stack = self.tracer.stack stack_formatted = "\n".join( [ f" - {node.get('name')} {node.get('period')}, {node.get('branch_name')}" for node in stack ] ) raise Exception( f"RecursionError while calculating {variable_name} for period {period}. The full computation stack is:\n{stack_formatted}" ) if cache_path is not None: self._set_macro_cache_value(cache_path, array) return array
[docs] def purge_cache_of_invalid_values(self) -> None: # We wait for the end of calculate(), signalled by an empty stack, before purging the cache if self.tracer.stack: return for _name, _period in self.invalidated_caches: holder = self.get_holder(_name) holder.delete_arrays(_period) self.invalidated_caches = set()
[docs] def calculate_add( self, variable_name: str, period: Period = None, decode_enums: bool = False, ) -> ArrayLike: variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name, check_existence=True ) if period is not None and not isinstance(period, Period): period = periods.period(period) # Check that the requested period matches definition_period if periods.unit_weight( variable.definition_period ) > periods.unit_weight(period.unit): raise ValueError( "Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' can only be computed for {2}-long periods. You can use the DIVIDE option to get an estimate of {0} by dividing the yearly value by 12, or change the requested period to 'period.this_year'.".format(, period, variable.definition_period ) ) if variable.definition_period not in [ periods.DAY, periods.MONTH, periods.YEAR, ]: raise ValueError( "Unable to sum constant variable '{}' over period {}: only variables defined daily, monthly, or yearly can be summed over time.".format(, period ) ) result = sum( self.calculate(variable_name, sub_period) for sub_period in period.get_subperiods(variable.definition_period) ) holder = self.get_holder( holder.put_in_cache(result, period, self.branch_name) return result
[docs] def calculate_divide( self, variable_name: str, period: Period = None, decode_enums: bool = False, ) -> ArrayLike: variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name, check_existence=True ) if period is not None and not isinstance(period, Period): period = periods.period(period) # Check that the requested period matches definition_period if variable.definition_period != periods.YEAR: raise ValueError( "Unable to divide the value of '{}' over time on period {}: only variables defined yearly can be divided over time.".format( variable_name, period ) ) if period.size != 1: raise ValueError( "DIVIDE option can only be used for a one-year or a one-month requested period" ) if period.unit == periods.MONTH: computation_period = period.this_year result = ( self.calculate(variable_name, period=computation_period) / 12.0 ) holder = self.get_holder( holder.put_in_cache(result, period, self.branch_name) return result elif period.unit == periods.YEAR: return self.calculate(variable_name, period) raise ValueError( "Unable to divide the value of '{}' to match period {}.".format( variable_name, period ) )
[docs] def calculate_output( self, variable_name: str, period: Period = None ) -> ArrayLike: """ Calculate the value of a variable using the ``calculate_output`` attribute of the variable. """ variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name, check_existence=True ) if variable.calculate_output is None: return self.calculate(variable_name, period) return variable.calculate_output(self, variable_name, period)
def _run_formula( self, variable: str, population: Population, period: Period ) -> ArrayLike: """ Find the ``variable`` formula for the given ``period`` if it exists, and apply it to ``population``. """ formula = variable.get_formula(period) if formula is None: values = None if variable.adds is not None and len(variable.adds) > 0: if isinstance(variable.adds, str): try: adds_parameter = get_parameter( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, variable.adds, ) except: raise ValueError( f"In the variable '{}', the 'adds' attribute is a string '{variable.adds}' that does not match any parameter." ) adds_list = adds_parameter(period.start) else: adds_list = variable.adds values = 0 for added_variable in adds_list: if added_variable in self.tax_benefit_system.variables: values = values + self.calculate( added_variable, period, map_to=variable.entity.key ) else: try: parameter = get_parameter( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, added_variable, ) values = values + parameter(period.start) except: raise ValueError( f"In the variable '{}', the 'adds' attribute is a list that contains a string '{added_variable}' that does not match any variable or parameter." ) if variable.subtracts is not None and len(variable.subtracts) > 0: if isinstance(variable.subtracts, str): try: subtracts_parameter = get_parameter( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, variable.subtracts, ) except: raise ValueError( f"In the variable '{}', the 'subtracts' attribute is a string '{variable.subtracts}' that does not match any parameter." ) subtracts_list = subtracts_parameter(period.start) else: subtracts_list = variable.subtracts if values is None: values = 0 for subtracted_variable in subtracts_list: if ( subtracted_variable in self.tax_benefit_system.variables ): values = values - self.calculate( subtracted_variable, period, map_to=variable.entity.key, ) else: try: parameter = get_parameter( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, subtracted_variable, ) values = values + parameter(period.start) except: raise ValueError( f"In the variable '{}', the 'subtracts' attribute is a list that contains a string '{subtracted_variable}' that does not match any variable or parameter." ) return values if self.trace and not isinstance( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, TracingParameterNodeAtInstant ): # Soft-recast self.tax_benefit_system.parameters.branch_name = self.branch_name self.tax_benefit_system.parameters.trace = True self.tax_benefit_system.parameters.tracer = self.tracer parameters_at = self.tax_benefit_system.parameters if formula.__code__.co_argcount == 2: array = formula(population, period) else: array = formula(population, period, parameters_at) return array def _check_period_consistency( self, period: Period, variable: Variable ) -> None: """ Check that a period matches the variable definition_period """ if variable.definition_period == periods.ETERNITY: return # For variables which values are constant in time, all periods are accepted if ( variable.definition_period == periods.MONTH and period.unit != periods.MONTH ): raise ValueError( "Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' must be computed for a whole month. You can use the ADD option to sum '{0}' over the requested period, or change the requested period to 'period.first_month'.".format(, period ) ) if ( variable.definition_period == periods.YEAR and period.unit != periods.YEAR ): raise ValueError( "Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' must be computed for a whole year. You can use the DIVIDE option to get an estimate of {0} by dividing the yearly value by 12, or change the requested period to 'period.this_year'.".format(, period ) ) if period.size != 1: raise ValueError( "Unable to compute variable '{0}' for period {1}: '{0}' must be computed for a whole {2}. You can use the ADD option to sum '{0}' over the requested period.".format(, period, ( "month" if variable.definition_period == periods.MONTH else "year" ), ) ) def _cast_formula_result(self, value: Any, variable: str) -> ArrayLike: if variable.value_type == Enum and not isinstance(value, EnumArray): return variable.possible_values.encode(value) if not isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): population = self.get_variable_population( value = population.filled_array(value) if value.dtype != variable.dtype: return value.astype(variable.dtype) return value # ----- Handle circular dependencies in a calculation ----- # def _check_for_cycle(self, variable: str, period: Period) -> None: """ Raise an exception in the case of a circular definition, where evaluating a variable for a given period loops around to evaluating the same variable/period pair. Also guards, as a heuristic, against "quasicircles", where the evaluation of a variable at a period involves the same variable at a different period. """ # The last frame is the current calculation, so it should be ignored from cycle detection previous_periods = [ frame["period"] for frame in self.tracer.stack[:-1] if frame["name"] == variable and frame["branch_name"] == self.branch_name ] if period in previous_periods: found_last_frame = False i = -2 while not found_last_frame: frame = self.tracer.stack[i] if ( frame["name"] == variable and frame["branch_name"] == self.branch_name ): found_last_frame = True i -= 1 raise CycleError( f"Circular definition detected on formula {variable}@{period}. The circle is:\n\nNormal computation tree:\n" + "\n".join( f" {frame['name']}@{frame['period']} (branch {frame['branch_name']})" for frame in self.tracer.stack[:i] ) + "\n\nCycle start:\n" + "\n".join( f" >> {frame['name']}@{frame['period']} (branch {frame['branch_name']})" for frame in self.tracer.stack[i:] ) ) spiral = len(previous_periods) >= self.max_spiral_loops if spiral: self.invalidate_spiral_variables(variable) message = "Quasicircular definition detected on formula {}@{} involving {}".format( variable, period, self.tracer.stack ) raise SpiralError(message, variable)
[docs] def invalidate_cache_entry(self, variable: str, period: Period) -> None: self.invalidated_caches.add((variable, period))
[docs] def invalidate_spiral_variables(self, variable: str) -> None: # Visit the stack, from the bottom (most recent) up; we know that we'll find # the variable implicated in the spiral (max_spiral_loops+1) times; we keep the # intermediate values computed (to avoid impacting performance) but we mark them # for deletion from the cache once the calculation ends. count = 0 for frame in reversed(self.tracer.stack): self.invalidate_cache_entry(frame["name"], frame["period"]) if frame["name"] == variable: count += 1 if count > self.max_spiral_loops: break
# ----- Methods to access stored values ----- #
[docs] def get_array(self, variable_name: str, period: Period) -> ArrayLike: """ Return the value of ``variable_name`` for ``period``, if this value is alreay in the cache (if it has been set as an input or previously calculated). Unlike :meth:`.calculate`, this method *does not* trigger calculations and *does not* use any formula. """ if period is not None and not isinstance(period, Period): period = periods.period(period) return self.get_holder(variable_name).get_array( period, self.branch_name )
[docs] def get_holder(self, variable_name: str) -> Holder: """ Get the :obj:`.Holder` associated with the variable ``variable_name`` for the simulation """ return self.get_variable_population(variable_name).get_holder( variable_name )
[docs] def get_memory_usage(self, variables: List[str] = None) -> dict: """ Get data about the virtual memory usage of the simulation """ result = dict(total_nb_bytes=0, by_variable={}) for entity in self.populations.values(): entity_memory_usage = entity.get_memory_usage(variables=variables) result["total_nb_bytes"] += entity_memory_usage["total_nb_bytes"] result["by_variable"].update(entity_memory_usage["by_variable"]) return result
# ----- Misc ----- #
[docs] def delete_arrays(self, variable: str, period: Period = None) -> None: """ Delete a variable's value for a given period :param variable: the variable to be set :param period: the period for which the value should be deleted Example: >>> from policyengine_core.country_template import CountryTaxBenefitSystem >>> simulation = Simulation(CountryTaxBenefitSystem()) >>> simulation.set_input('age', '2018-04', [12, 14]) >>> simulation.set_input('age', '2018-05', [13, 14]) >>> simulation.get_array('age', '2018-05') array([13, 14], dtype=int32) >>> simulation.delete_arrays('age', '2018-05') >>> simulation.get_array('age', '2018-04') array([12, 14], dtype=int32) >>> simulation.get_array('age', '2018-05') is None True >>> simulation.set_input('age', '2018-05', [13, 14]) >>> simulation.delete_arrays('age') >>> simulation.get_array('age', '2018-04') is None True >>> simulation.get_array('age', '2018-05') is None True """ self.get_holder(variable).delete_arrays(period)
[docs] def get_known_periods(self, variable: str) -> List[Period]: """ Get a list variable's known period, i.e. the periods where a value has been initialized and :param variable: the variable to be set Example: >>> from policyengine_core.country_template import CountryTaxBenefitSystem >>> simulation = Simulation(CountryTaxBenefitSystem()) >>> simulation.set_input('age', '2018-04', [12, 14]) >>> simulation.set_input('age', '2018-05', [13, 14]) >>> simulation.get_known_periods('age') [Period((u'month', Instant((2018, 5, 1)), 1)), Period((u'month', Instant((2018, 4, 1)), 1))] """ return self.get_holder(variable).get_known_periods()
[docs] def set_input( self, variable_name: str, period: Period, value: ArrayLike ) -> None: """ Set a variable's value for a given period :param variable: the variable to be set :param value: the input value for the variable :param period: the period for which the value is setted Example: >>> from policyengine_core.country_template import CountryTaxBenefitSystem >>> simulation = Simulation(CountryTaxBenefitSystem()) >>> simulation.set_input('age', '2018-04', [12, 14]) >>> simulation.get_array('age', '2018-04') array([12, 14], dtype=int32) If a ``set_input`` property has been set for the variable, this method may accept inputs for periods not matching the ``definition_period`` of the variable. To read more about this, check the `documentation <>`_. """ variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name, check_existence=True ) period = periods.period(period) if (variable.end is not None) and ( > variable.end): return self.get_holder(variable_name).set_input( period, value, self.branch_name )
[docs] def get_variable_population(self, variable_name: str) -> Population: variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable_name, check_existence=True ) return self.populations[variable.entity.key]
[docs] def get_population(self, plural: str = None) -> Population: return next( ( population for population in self.populations.values() if population.entity.plural == plural ), None, )
[docs] def get_entity(self, plural: str = None) -> Entity: population = self.get_population(plural) return population and population.entity
[docs] def describe_entities(self) -> dict: return { population.entity.plural: population.ids for population in self.populations.values() }
[docs] def clone( self, debug: bool = False, trace: bool = False, clone_tax_benefit_system: bool = True, ) -> "Simulation": """ Copy the simulation just enough to be able to run the copy without modifying the original simulation """ new = commons.empty_clone(self) new_dict = new.__dict__ for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key not in ("debug", "trace", "tracer", "branches"): new_dict[key] = value new.persons = self.persons.clone(new) setattr(new, new.persons.entity.key, new.persons) new.populations = {new.persons.entity.key: new.persons} new.branches = {} for entity in self.tax_benefit_system.group_entities: population = self.populations[entity.key].clone(new, new.persons) new.populations[entity.key] = population setattr( new, entity.key, population ) # create shortcut simulation.household (for instance) if clone_tax_benefit_system: new.tax_benefit_system = self.tax_benefit_system.clone() else: new.tax_benefit_system = self.tax_benefit_system new.debug = debug new.trace = trace return new
[docs] def get_branch( self, name: str = "branch", clone_system: bool = False ) -> "Simulation": """Create a clone of this simulation, whose calculations are traced in the original. Args: name (str, optional): Name of the branch. Defaults to "branch". clone_system (bool, optional): Whether to clone the tax-benefit system. Use this if you're changing policy parameters. Defaults to False. Returns: Simulation: The cloned simulation. """ if name == self.branch_name: return self if name in self.branches: return self.branches[name] branch = self.clone(clone_tax_benefit_system=clone_system) self.branches[name] = branch branch.branch_name = name branch.parent_branch = self if self.trace: branch.trace = True branch.tracer = self.tracer return branch
[docs] def derivative( self, variable: str, wrt: str, period: Period = None, delta: float = 1 ) -> ArrayLike: """ Compute the derivative of a variable w.r.t another variable. Args: variable (str): The variable to differentiate. wrt (str): The variable to differentiate with respect to. period (Period): The period for which to compute the derivative. delta (float): The infinitesimal to use for the derivative. Returns: ArrayLike: The derivative. """ if period is not None and not isinstance(period, Period): period = periods.period(period) elif period is None and self.default_calculation_period is not None: period = periods.period(self.default_calculation_period) alt_sim = self.clone() for computed_variable in alt_sim.tax_benefit_system.variables: if computed_variable not in self.input_variables: alt_sim.delete_arrays(computed_variable) alt_sim.set_input(wrt, period, self.calculate(wrt, period) + delta) original_value = self.calculate(variable, period) new_value = alt_sim.calculate(variable, period) difference = new_value - original_value return difference / delta
[docs] def sample_person(self) -> dict: """ Sample a person from the simulation. Returns a situation JSON with their inputs (including their containing entities). Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the person's values. """ person_count = self.persons.count index = np.random.randint(person_count) return self.extract_person(index)
[docs] def extract_person( self, index: int = 0, exclude_entities: tuple = ("state",), ) -> dict: """ Extract a person from the simulation. Returns a situation JSON with their inputs (including their containing entities). Args: index (int): The index of the person to extract. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the person's values. """ situation = {} people_indices = [] people_indices_by_entity = {} for population in self.populations.values(): entity = population.entity if ( not population.entity.is_person and entity.key not in exclude_entities ): situation[entity.plural] = { entity.key: { "members": [], }, } group_index = population.members_entity_id[index] other_people_indices = [ index for index in range(len(population.members_entity_id)) if population.members_entity_id[index] == group_index ] people_indices.extend(other_people_indices) people_indices = list(set(people_indices)) people_indices_by_entity[entity.key] = other_people_indices for variable in self.input_variables: if ( self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable( variable ).entity.key == entity.key ): known_periods = self.get_holder( variable ).get_known_periods() if len(known_periods) > 0: first_known_period = known_periods[0] value = self.calculate( variable, first_known_period )[group_index] situation[entity.plural][entity.key][variable] = { str(known_periods[0]): value } person = self.populations["person"].entity situation[person.plural] = {} for person_index in people_indices: person_name = f"{person.key}_{person_index + 1}" for entity_key in people_indices_by_entity: entity = self.populations[entity_key].entity if person_index in people_indices_by_entity[entity.key]: situation[entity.plural][entity.key]["members"].append( person_name ) situation[person.plural][person_name] = {} for variable in self.input_variables: if ( self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable).entity.key == person.key ): known_periods = self.get_holder( variable ).get_known_periods() if len(known_periods) > 0: first_known_period = known_periods[0] value = self.calculate(variable, first_known_period)[ person_index ] situation[person.plural][person_name][variable] = { str(known_periods[0]): value } return json.loads(json.dumps(situation, cls=NpEncoder))
def _get_macro_cache( self, variable_name: str, period: str, ): """ Get the cache location of a variable for a given period, if it exists. """ if not self.is_over_dataset: return None variable = self.tax_benefit_system.get_variable(variable_name) parameter_deps = variable.exhaustive_parameter_dependencies if parameter_deps is None: return None for parameter in parameter_deps: param = get_parameter( self.tax_benefit_system.parameters, parameter ) if param.modified: return None storage_folder = ( self.dataset.file_path.parent / f"{}_variable_cache" ) storage_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cache_file_path = ( storage_folder / f"{variable_name}_{period}_{self.branch_name}.h5" ) return cache_file_path
[docs] def clear_macro_cache(self): """ Clear the cache of all variables. """ storage_folder = ( self.dataset.file_path.parent / f"{}_variable_cache" ) if storage_folder.exists(): shutil.rmtree(storage_folder)
def _get_macro_cache_value( self, cache_file_path: Path, ): """ Get the value of a variable from a cache file. """ if not self.macro_cache_read: return None with h5py.File(cache_file_path, "r") as f: return f["values"][()] def _set_macro_cache_value( self, cache_file_path: Path, value: ArrayLike, ): """ Set the value of a variable in a cache file. """ if not self.macro_cache_write: return None with h5py.File(cache_file_path, "w") as f: f.create_dataset("values", data=value)
class NpEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return str(obj)