Source code for policyengine_core.taxscales.marginal_amount_tax_scale

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import numpy

from policyengine_core.taxscales import AmountTaxScaleLike

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    NumericalArray = typing.Union[numpy.int_, numpy.float_]

[docs]class MarginalAmountTaxScale(AmountTaxScaleLike):
[docs] def calc( self, tax_base: NumericalArray, right: bool = False, ) -> numpy.float_: """ Matches the input amount to a set of brackets and returns the sum of cell values from the lowest bracket to the one containing the input. """ base1 = numpy.tile(tax_base, (len(self.thresholds), 1)).T thresholds1 = numpy.tile( numpy.hstack((self.thresholds, numpy.inf)), (len(tax_base), 1) ) a = numpy.maximum( numpy.minimum(base1, thresholds1[:, 1:]) - thresholds1[:, :-1], 0 ) return, a.T > 0)