Source code for policyengine_core.taxscales.rate_tax_scale_like

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import bisect
import os
import typing

import numpy

from policyengine_core import tools
from policyengine_core.errors import EmptyArgumentError
from policyengine_core.taxscales.tax_scale_like import TaxScaleLike

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    NumericalArray = typing.Union[numpy.int_, numpy.float_]

[docs]class RateTaxScaleLike(TaxScaleLike, abc.ABC): """ Base class for various types of rate-based tax scales: marginal rate, linear average rate... """ rates: typing.List def __init__( self, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, option: typing.Any = None, unit: typing.Any = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, option, unit) self.rates = [] def __repr__(self) -> str: return tools.indent( os.linesep.join( [ f"- threshold: {threshold}{os.linesep} rate: {rate}" for (threshold, rate) in zip(self.thresholds, self.rates) ] ) ) def add_bracket( self, threshold: typing.Union[int, float], rate: typing.Union[int, float], ) -> None: if threshold in self.thresholds: i = self.thresholds.index(threshold) self.rates[i] += rate else: i = bisect.bisect_left(self.thresholds, threshold) self.thresholds.insert(i, threshold) self.rates.insert(i, rate) def multiply_rates( self, factor: float, inplace: bool = True, new_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> RateTaxScaleLike: if inplace: assert new_name is None for i, rate in enumerate(self.rates): self.rates[i] = rate * factor return self new_tax_scale = self.__class__( new_name or, option=self.option, unit=self.unit, ) for threshold, rate in zip(self.thresholds, self.rates): new_tax_scale.thresholds.append(threshold) new_tax_scale.rates.append(rate * factor) return new_tax_scale def multiply_thresholds( self, factor: float, decimals: typing.Optional[int] = None, inplace: bool = True, new_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> RateTaxScaleLike: if inplace: assert new_name is None for i, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds): if decimals is not None: self.thresholds[i] = numpy.around( threshold * factor, decimals=decimals, ) else: self.thresholds[i] = threshold * factor return self new_tax_scale = self.__class__( new_name or, option=self.option, unit=self.unit, ) for threshold, rate in zip(self.thresholds, self.rates): if decimals is not None: new_tax_scale.thresholds.append( numpy.around(threshold * factor, decimals=decimals), ) else: new_tax_scale.thresholds.append(threshold * factor) new_tax_scale.rates.append(rate) return new_tax_scale
[docs] def bracket_indices( self, tax_base: NumericalArray, factor: float = 1.0, round_decimals: typing.Optional[int] = None, ) -> numpy.int_: """ Compute the relevant bracket indices for the given tax bases. :param ndarray tax_base: Array of the tax bases. :param float factor: Factor to apply to the thresholds. :param int round_decimals: Decimals to keep when rounding thresholds. :returns: Integer array with relevant bracket indices for the given tax bases. For instance: >>> tax_scale = LinearAverageRateTaxScale() >>> tax_scale.add_bracket(0, 0) >>> tax_scale.add_bracket(100, 0.1) >>> tax_base = array([0, 150]) >>> tax_scale.bracket_indices(tax_base) [0, 1] """ if not numpy.size(numpy.array(self.thresholds)): raise EmptyArgumentError( self.__class__.__name__, "bracket_indices", "self.thresholds", self.thresholds, ) if not numpy.size(numpy.asarray(tax_base)): raise EmptyArgumentError( self.__class__.__name__, "bracket_indices", "tax_base", tax_base, ) base1 = numpy.tile(tax_base, (len(self.thresholds), 1)).T factor = numpy.ones(len(tax_base)) * factor # To avoid the creation of: # # numpy.nan = 0 * numpy.inf # # We use: # # numpy.finfo(float_).eps thresholds1 = numpy.outer( +factor + numpy.finfo(numpy.float_).eps, numpy.array(self.thresholds), ) if round_decimals is not None: thresholds1 = numpy.round_(thresholds1, round_decimals) return (base1 - thresholds1 >= 0).sum(axis=1) - 1
[docs] def threshold_from_tax_base( self, tax_base: NumericalArray, ) -> NumericalArray: """ Compute the relevant thresholds for the given tax bases. :param: ndarray tax_base: Array of the tax bases. :returns: Floating array with relevant thresholds for the given tax bases. For instance: >>> import numpy >>> from policyengine_core import taxscales >>> tax_scale = taxscales.MarginalRateTaxScale() >>> tax_scale.add_bracket(0, 0) >>> tax_scale.add_bracket(200, 0.1) >>> tax_scale.add_bracket(500, 0.25) >>> tax_base = numpy.array([450, 1_150, 10]) >>> tax_scale.threshold_from_tax_base(tax_base) array([200, 500, 0]) """ return numpy.array(self.thresholds)[self.bracket_indices(tax_base)]
def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { str(threshold): self.rates[index] for index, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds) }